About Moi

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Sharqiyah, Saudi Arabia
Saudi/Brit in search of herself.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Zillions and Zillions and Zillions of THOUGHTS!

We think so much in one day.

We think when we first wake up. While getting dressed. While brushing our teeth, even while watching tv we still end up thinking of other random things simultaneously without conscious notice and whether we admit it or not we think of things while people are talking to us! Yaaay we're so nice!

That's a lot of thoughts.

We only have a mini-break when we're sleeping but even then our minds are going over things we were thinking of right before bed! hint Sweet Anger's latest post.

"Researchers tell us that we have about sixty thousand thoughts a day" Marci Shimoff International speaker.

How exhausting.

And I'm sure I'm even double that. Lately I haven't been sleeping completely through the night because I end up not really sleeping more like lucidly thinking with my eyes closed...ever happen to you? Anyway it sucks lol.

I've been reading up on how thoughts can attract good or bad things in your life. You know
like when one bad thing happens at the start of your day. Say you banged your toe that morning, and you felt horrible the rest of the day then causing you to be stuck in traffic or all your work papers fall that afternoon and make a huge mess and lastly you forgot the keys for the front door!!

You think, it's just one of those days!! But what if YOU caused that.

I recently discovered many award winning authors/quantum physicists/and psychologists believe in something called the law of attraction like the law of gravity we all learnt in physics
class growing up. The law of attraction as in just by thinking bad thoughts you'll attract them.
Hence the phrase "why do bad things happen to good people" maybe they were thinking it...like "I hope he doesn't cheat" or "my business will fail"...or in this case instead of trying to forget about it you think "my toe hurts NOW it will bother me allll day"...

The law of attraction (I'm not talking about how you feel about your special someone here lol or about the guy on House lol) is apparently as real as gravity, as concise as gravity and as ...hmm unbaised I guess you could say? I cant think of the right word. What I mean is gravity works if you are good or bad. Even if you are a good person it doesnt mean you won't fall off a building. Its not subjective. Law of attraction is apparently the same.


I don't know if it's true...but I'm willing to try to block those thoughts. I know seems impossible... it's still worth a shot...POSITIVITY :D


Lalloosha said...

"why do bad things happen to good people".....do u think that good ppl always he negative thoughts....coz sumhow its the bad ppl who get ahead in life!!

love this post:D positivity all the wayyyy:D:D:D

Taqo said...

end up not really sleeping more like lucidly thinking with my eyes closed...ever happen to you?

Lol, yes. I would always get that feeling on the night before the first day of school. Come to think of it, I get it now on the night before the first day of college :-p I can NEVER sleep.

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